The Paramus Fritz Behnke Historical Museum offers visitors a window into the past. Witness how different things were back then. And reflect on how far we have progressed and the adjustments made to accommodate that growth. Come and visit the Paramus Fritz Behnke Historical Museum to glimpse yesteryear.
Located at 330 Paramus Rd., Paramus, NJ, 07652, the museum is an engaging and thought-provoking experience. You and your family can stroll through the museum and enjoy items on display from long ago.
Enjoy a video presentation elaborating on Paramus’s history, providing a deeper look. Private Group Tours are also available. Just call and make your appointment.
Stroll through the museum and view the furnishings of an old farmhouse or one of the first electric washing machines. These items might be relics of the past today, but they were once exciting and new. The museum also hosts an old replica of a school room and memorabilia from a Police and Fire Department long ago.
Also, check out the museum’s collection of Mark Oberndorf’s paintings. Sometimes to truly appreciate how far we have come, it is necessary to look back at the past. The museum offers guests precisely that – a glimpse into a time from long ago but not forgotten.
You and your family can further your experience back into the past by visiting the Easton Tower. The Tower is a landmark found along the Saddle River walking path, nestled near the Saddle River. Built in 1899, the Tower is a hollow structure with a roof and an old water wheel.
And what would a day out be without some shopping and good eats? When ready, head to the Westfield Garden State Plaza and catch a movie or maybe a bite. The mall has plenty to see, do, and buy for the whole family!
Jiu-Jitsu can be a gratifying and personal confidence-building experience. And Performance Jiu-Jitsu offers competitive pricing for all its classes and a free trial class for newcomers. So, if you find yourself finishing up at Performance Jiu Jitsu and would like to visit the museum, here are the directions for getting there. You can also click the link here to visit another local attraction.